Hello Readers, sorry you haven't heard from me in...2 weeks?...omg
Anyways, I've been reading all of your blogs and really enjoyed all of your wonderful posts. Really, wonderful. I'm going to California on Boxing Day, so I might not be able to post before the New Year. I gotta say that 2009 has been an absolutely wonderful year and I'm really glad that I started this blog its been great. Thanks for everyone who reads or even just glances at it.
I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh and happy belated Hannukah! :)
Here are some of my favourite photos I took in December. Enjoy :).
Whistler BC, amazing ski resort/future 2010 Olympic location
Me in Whistler
I think Christmas lights are one of my favourite things to take photos of, they are so magical,
Queen Emma
Happy holidays!!! I hope you have a nice trip :)