Today in planning class, a woman came into our class to talk to us about gay/lesbian/bisexual related topics and it's stereotypes and misconceptions. I was quite "excited" for the presentation, mainly because its a topic thats often avoided at school. However a few kids in my class thought it would be ok to talk and laugh while this young women was trying to talk. Oh and just to make it even more funny, they added in a few racist and and homophobic comments in there.
When the presenter asked them what they said, they replied, oh nothing.
She then said, Did you consider the fact that there may be gay or Jewish people in the room who are offended by your comments?
They said: No there aren't any jews in here.
The reason I'm writing about this isn't because I'm Jewish, its because everyone needs to know racism is never ok. Ever. Ever. or homophobia.
Everyone on this planet is equal and we have to realize this now!!! It is never Ok to discriminate against ANYONE because of their race, gender or sexual orientation.
Ok so anyways, that was my rant. Please think about it next time you ever just joke about peoples race or say "Thats so Gay!". Please.